home New Homes Why Home Assessments Are Necessary

Why Home Assessments Are Necessary

Most often, people think that a closer examination of the house upon construction is no longer necessary. After all, the actual house is based on the plan, which is essentially in accordance with your liking. Given such, what is the use of the closer examination? Well, not because your house is new does not mean to say that you will not encounter any repairs. Truth be told, you still will. However, if you have your house examined by a building inspector, it lowers the chances of you spending on major repairs that need to be worked on. As opposed to what many think it is, a closer examination is not an added cost. Are you still not convinced? Then read on.

Common Issues

Ideally, a new home should not have any repair issues. However, research shows that those houses that have been examined closely by a home inspector have certain underlying issues. These include particular structural defects such as foundation cracks and poor framing, window leaks, electrical and plumbing issues, and drainage issues. Can you imagine it? If these items have not been identified and resolved later on, it can result in greater more damage and cost. Do not wait for something major to happen before you act upon these petty issues.

Suggested Number

Truth be told, new home inspections vary depending on how often you like it to be conducted. However, certain organizations recommend that you conduct such at around two to three times. The first one refers to the foundation or pre-pour examination, which happens before the foundation is being poured in the new house. At this point, the home inspector guarantees that the site has been excavated and graded with great caution and that the footing and stage are made to last a lifetime. The second one, on the other hand, pertains to the pre-drywall examination, which happens after establishing the house’s frame built, and after installing the roof and the windows. However, note that during this stage, the house still has no walls around it. This is for the home inspector to ensure that the posts and other structural components were properly placed. Lastly, the third and final one is when your potential house buyer thinks that such is necessary.

What They Look At

As initially mentioned, the closer examination of the house varies depending on the building standards and local code implemented in your country. For the pre-pour, they look into the water lines, plumbing, drainage, grading, and pipelines. The second stage focuses on the beams, studs, screws, stairwell, leaks, ducting, and HVAC. Lastly, the third and final one dwells into the doors, windows, roof, chimney, toilets, sinks, insulation, pumps, and other exterior items. It is important that you know this so you can address whatever the home inspector requires.  

Assessing one’s home may be viewed as an unnecessary and cost-driver undertaking. Despite such, it is still highly recommended as it will benefit you in the long run. You can save costs from the imminent damage of your house brought about by the wear-and-tear process of nature. Save yourself from these and have your property assessed.